Tuesday 28 May 2013


IOPNA takes a look at the 5th constellation of the ‘Mazzaroth’:

 Now there’s a weird sign – half goat, half fish! What’s that all about?

Align top to north-west
That’s Capricornus from which we have the Tropic of Capricorn that marks the southern limit of the tropics. On the summer solstice of December 22 the sun is exactly overhead at latitude 23 degrees 27 minutes south with Capricornus once behind it, but the precession of Earth’s rotation now delays that about a month. 
First of all, in Latin caper means goat and cornu means horn. Now let’s try and find Capricornus in the night-sky, between Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus and Altair in Aquila. Next we can look for a double star Al Gedi on the tip of the right horn, Dabih at the base of the left horn, and Deneb Algedi on the tip of the fish fin.

Whatever do those weird names mean?
Al Gedi is Arabic for ‘the kid’                                                   
Dabih is Arabic for ‘Sacrifice slain’                                                
Deneb Algedi is Arabic for ‘the sacrifice comes’

I don’t think we’ll have to look far for a scriptural link here!
A goat’s kid was sacrificed for the sin offering in Leviticus 9 verse 3;                          
on the Day of Atonement two goat kids were used in Leviticus 16.

Notice this dying goat is struggling to get up – a healthy goat uses its hind legs first to stand up.

Are you sure of that?

Well, we used to breed cashmere goats.

Fair enough. Meanwhile the fish tail is very much alive!

“Follow me , and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4 verse 19                         
153 great fish were caught by the disciples under the direction of the Lord Jesus in John 21 – after His resurrection!    
What about a link with Jacob’s sons?

Well it immediately reminds me of Joseph’s coat being dipped in the blood of a goat’s kid in Genesis 37 verse 31.
Perhaps they felt mighty uncomfortable seeing Capricornus up there!                    

Sure. I think you’ll find that Capricornus is meant to speak to us more of the achievement from the sacrifice. Joseph finally said to his brothers: “…ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good…” (Genesis 50:20)      
So which other constellations were associated with Capricornus?

If you look further north you will find:
The star Altair marking Aquila falling from the sky, after being struck by…
Sagitta, the arrow from heaven above the head of Aquila, also…
Delphinus the dolphin leaping above the water

Okay, that reminds me of the Redeemer as Son of God enduring death under God’s righteous judgment on sin…..

…. but then leaping out of death to produce a great result!                                      
It’s going to be a great victory after all!   

NEXT:  Aquarius

Image credits: Stellarium                                                       


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